Soccer Talk > Stjarnan vs KR: Home Team First Half Odds Over 3.35+
submitted 1 month ago by ENGLAND jayjay88
Team: Stjarnan

Occurrence: Stjarnan has won the first half 5 times out of 7 matches when scoring from the 20th minute mark at home.

Odds: 3.25 (implied probability 30.77%)

Your Calculated Odds: 1.4 (implied probability 71.43%)

Value Edge: 40.66%

Stake: Recommended stake is 0.44% of your betting unit.

Disclaimer: Betting outcomes can be unexpected. This tip is for soccerpunt betting entertainment purposes only. I do not advise real money betting.

Based on your analysis, the calculated odds suggest a higher probability of the event occurring compared to the implied odds. This indicates a potential value bet according to your research.

Please remember to gamble responsibly and be mindful of the risks associated with betting. This information is shared for informational and entertainment purposes related to soccerpunt betting. Good luck!

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