Founded: 1947
Stadium: Stade de Marrakech
Botola 2 Form:
Overall Form:

Kawkab Marrakech home ground venue is Stade de Marrakech.

Kawkab Marrakech Botola 2 Match Fixtures and Results

[ Home Overall Away  ]

Kawkab Marrakech have played a total of 30 matches in Morocco Botola 2. Their current statistics is 7 win, 12 draw and 11 lose.

Kawkab Marrakech did not win their last three matches in the competition.

The overall results is shown by default. You can also analyze Kawkab Marrakech results for their home or away matches in Botola 2 2019/2020.

Click on + to view detailed soccer statistics of the goal scorers, yellow and red cards for each match.
The match kick-off date and time is automatically converted to your local timezone.

Team Total Matches Win Draw Lose
Kawkab Marrakech 30 7 12 11
09/10/2020 Sidi Kacem
3 - 1
Kawkab Marrakech 3-1H2H O  
05/10/2020 Kawkab Marrakech
1 - 1
Maghreb Fès 1-1H2H O +
Zouhair Ouchen 21' 1 - 0  
  1 - 1 45+3' Alioune N'Diaye
28/09/2020 Olympique Dcheïra
4 - 2
Kawkab Marrakech 2-0H2H O +
Amian Djama 25' 1 - 0  
Jazouli Soufiane 40' 2 - 0  
Aberkille Abderrahim 50'  
  2 - 1 58' Zouhair Ouchen
Amian Djama 75' 3 - 1  
  3 - 2 80' Reda Ait Boughima
Amian Djama 84' 4 - 2  
22/09/2020 Kawkab Marrakech
3 - 0
Chabab Atlas Khénifra 0-0H2H O +
Zouheir Ouchen 57' 1 - 0  
Zouheir Ouchen 61' 2 - 0  
Mehri Youssef 88' 3 - 0  
18/09/2020 AS Salé
0 - 0
Kawkab Marrakech 0-0H2H O +
14/09/2020 Kawkab Marrakech
1 - 1
Chabab Ben Guerir 0-0H2H O +
  0 - 1 88'
90+3' 1 - 1  
09/08/2020 Ittihad Khemisset
0 - 1
Kawkab Marrakech 0-1H2H O  
26/07/2020 Kawkab Marrakech
1 - 2
Racing de Casablanca 1-1H2H O +
  0 - 1 34'
45+4' 1 - 1  
  1 - 2 81'
08/03/2020 KAC Kénitra
1 - 0
Kawkab Marrakech 1-0H2H O +
39' 1 - 0  
01/03/2020 Kawkab Marrakech
2 - 1
Wydad Fès 0-0H2H O  
23/02/2020 Riadi Salmi
1 - 1
Kawkab Marrakech 0-0H2H O  
16/02/2020 Kawkab Marrakech
0 - 0
Chabab Rif Hoceima 0-0H2H O  
08/02/2020 Widad Témara
1 - 1
Kawkab Marrakech 1-0H2H O +
43' 1 - 0  
  1 - 1 47'
02/02/2020 Tihad Casablanca
1 - 0
Kawkab Marrakech 1-0H2H O +
32' 1 - 0  
26/01/2020 Kawkab Marrakech
1 - 2
Chabab Mohammédia 0-0H2H O  
04/01/2020 Kawkab Marrakech
3 - 0
Sidi Kacem 0-0H2H O  
29/12/2019 Maghreb Fès
1 - 0
Kawkab Marrakech 0-0H2H O  
21/12/2019 Kawkab Marrakech
1 - 0
Olympique Dcheïra 0-0H2H O  
14/12/2019 Chabab Atlas Khénifra
1 - 1
Kawkab Marrakech 1-0H2H O  
08/12/2019 Kawkab Marrakech
0 - 1
AS Salé 0-1H2H O  
01/12/2019 Chabab Ben Guerir
0 - 1
Kawkab Marrakech 0-0H2H O  
24/11/2019 Kawkab Marrakech
1 - 2
Ittihad Khemisset 0-1H2H O +
  0 - 1 10'
  0 - 2 48'
50' 1 - 2  
09/11/2019 Racing de Casablanca
2 - 0
Kawkab Marrakech 0-0H2H O  
03/11/2019 Kawkab Marrakech
1 - 2
KAC Kénitra 1-0H2H O +
31' 1 - 0  
  1 - 1 63'
  1 - 2 82'
27/10/2019 Wydad Fès
1 - 1
Kawkab Marrakech 0-0H2H O  
20/10/2019 Kawkab Marrakech
1 - 0
Riadi Salmi 0-0H2H O  
05/10/2019 Chabab Rif Hoceima
1 - 1
Kawkab Marrakech 0-0H2H O  
29/09/2019 Kawkab Marrakech
1 - 1
Widad Témara 0-0H2H O  
21/09/2019 Kawkab Marrakech
0 - 0
Tihad Casablanca 0-0H2H O  
15/09/2019 Chabab Mohammédia
1 - 1
Kawkab Marrakech 0-0H2H O  

Chart Analysis

The graph shows the performance and results of Kawkab Marrakech in Botola 2.

Statistics & Analysis of Kawkab Marrakech

Achievement Statistics
Longest winning run
Longest losing streak
Longest run without loss
Longest run without win
Clean sheets
Matches over 2.25 goals
Matches under 2.25 goals
Matches First Half Over 0.5
Matches First Half Under 0.5
Matches odd
Matches even
Average goals scored
Average goals allowed
Failure to score
Biggest victory
3 - 0
Biggest defeat
4 - 2
Missed penalties
Penalty goals
Own goals
Goalless draw at home match
2 (13%)
Goalless draw at away match
1 (7%)
Comeback win

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Kawkab Marrakech Squad

Detailed statistics of each Kawkab Marrakech player with their photo, nationality, jersey number, position and caps.

If you want to bet on the players, you should see who are the Kawkab Marrakech top goal scorers and which players have a disciplinary problem with the the most yellow or red cards.

Click on the players to get in-depth players' profile. Such as the players' age, place of birth, height, weight and his entire soccer career path.

# Photo Name of Player N A
Mohamed Bentoumi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jamal Imghri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ahmed Chagou 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Soufiane Alloudi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chem-Eddine Chtibi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jamal Braro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mehdi El Zoubairi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jeferson Luiz Escher 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Redallah El Ghazoufi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Youssef Ayatti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mohamed El Idrissi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Issam Badda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mohamed Ozouka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ismail Kouchame 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chihab Falatt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Abdelilah Amimi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Abdelouahed Chakhsi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bilal Biat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Brahim Touzamy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Khalid Sekkat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mehdi Zaya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mohamed Rouhi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mohammad El Fakih 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Morad Zitouny 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Salaheddine Aqqal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Walid Sabbar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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