Founded: 2002
Stadium: Estádio Municipal Olímpico Albino Turbay
Coach: José Roberto Lucini
Club Friendlies 4 Form:
Overall Form:

Cianorte home ground venue is Estádio Municipal Olímpico Albino Turbay.

José Roberto Lucini is the current coach for Cianorte.

Cianorte Club Friendlies 4 Match Fixtures and Results

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Cianorte have played a total of 2 matches in World Club Friendlies 4. Their current statistics is 2 draw.

Cianorte did not lose their last two matches in the competition.

The overall results is shown by default. You can also analyze Cianorte results for their home or away matches in Club Friendlies 4 2023.

Click on + to view detailed soccer statistics of the goal scorers, yellow and red cards for each match.
The match kick-off date and time is automatically converted to your local timezone.

Team Total Matches Win Draw Lose
Cianorte 2 0 2 0
16/12/2023 Cianorte
0 - 0
Maringá 0-0H2H O +
  45' Caique
  88' Julio
05/01/2023 Maringá
1 - 1
Cianorte 1-1H2H O +
  0 - 1 15' Igor Morais
Max Miller 42' 1 - 1  

Chart Analysis

The graph shows the performance and results of Cianorte in Club Friendlies 4.

Statistics & Analysis of Cianorte

Achievement Statistics
Longest winning run
Longest losing streak
Longest run without loss
Longest run without win
Clean sheets
Matches over 2.25 goals
Matches under 2.25 goals
Matches First Half Over 0.5
Matches First Half Under 0.5
Matches odd
Matches even
Average goals scored
Average goals allowed
Failure to score
Biggest victory
Biggest defeat
Missed penalties
Penalty goals
Own goals
Goalless draw at home match
1 (100%)
Goalless draw at away match
0 (0%)
Comeback win

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Cianorte Squad

Detailed statistics of each Cianorte player with their photo, nationality, jersey number, position and caps.

If you want to bet on the players, you should see who are the Cianorte top goal scorers and which players have a disciplinary problem with the the most yellow or red cards.

Click on the players to get in-depth players' profile. Such as the players' age, place of birth, height, weight and his entire soccer career path.

# Photo Name of Player N A
Adriano da Silva Barros Junior
Alexandre Gomes Felipe
Alexsandre Trindade Moreira
Allan Gomes de Alencar
Bruno Costa de Souza
Bruno Duarte Pereira da Silva
Caio Santos Cunha
Carlos Gabriel Moreira de Oliveira
Carlos Roberto da Silva Lopes
Cauê Cecilio da Silva
Eugenio Henrique Neto
Fabio Guilherme da Silva Lima
Felipe Trevizan Martins
Fernando Moraes Pileggi
Gabriel Pires de Oliveira
Giovanni Silva Tiepo
Guilherme da Roza Neto
Guilherme Milhomen Gusmão
Guilherme Preto Beléa Molinaris Cardoso
Guilherme Santos Zuconelli
Handerson Santos Lemos
Henrique Freitas Alves
Igor Morais Carvalho
Joanderson de Jesus Assis
João Henrique Camargo Mafra
João Vitor Flores da Silveira
João Vitor Flores da Silveira
José Eduardo Bischofe de Almeida
Jose Henrique da Silva Dourado
José Vitor Leal Silva Ferreira
Kaio Henrique Castro de Moura
Leandro Henrique do Nascimento
Leonardo da Silva Souza
Lucas de Oliveira Franco
Luiz Fernando Felipe dos Santos
Luiz Fernando Silvestre Junior
Maicon de Silva Moreira
Marlon Martins de Oliveira
Marlon Mykaion Almeida Lopes
Matheus Gabriel Guedes Caetano
Matheus Henrique Santana Ferreira
Matias Vanes da Silva
Matias Vanes da Silva
Miguel de Alcantara
Natan Felipe Pedriali
Natham Fernando Reis da Conceição
Nicolas Adriano Schulz
Pedro Henrique Weide
Raphael Cavalcante de Carvalho
Raul di Orlando Barbosa Mendes
Ravanelli Ferreira dos Santos
Renan Carvalho Areias
Rian Felipe de Oliveira Vanzetta
Samuel Conceição Toscas
Sandro Mauricio Rios Silva
Sérgio Dutra Júnior
Thiago Juan Johnson Monteiro
Thyller Thyller
Uesley Filiphe dos Santos de Souza
Vinicius Augusto Ribeiro De Almeida
Vinicius Conceição dos Santos
Vinicius Faria dos Santos
Weslley da Silva Pereira
William Pinheiro Fernandes
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